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LIVE FOODS FOR FISH - PART 1 - English version

In any wild fish themselves take care of the food, which in most environments is very varied. But in the aquarium it is we ourselves must take care of fish and appropriately varied food. The main component of the diet of most fish aquarium is a food animal and vegetable. Tropical fish diet should be as varied and include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins. Fish fed a variety of food are less prone to disease, better dyed, they grow faster and easier to bring them to spawn.

To properly feed our fishes, we should become fully familiar food which assumes a particular genre, in what quantities, how often and when? Some fish feed on during the day and the other in the evening or at night. It is also good to keep in aquarium fish with the same or similar food preferences. 

The natural and best for aquarium fish are natural live foods. This type of food can be found in the pond, river, ditch of meadows, gardens and water with rainwater. Each live food should carefully review because with it we can make to the aquarium dangerous predators and parasites. Food can also be purchased live fish store or grow themselves, then it is more reliable and safer than the one derived directly from the environment.

Dust - zooplankton
Organisms which by their small size provides a food necessary for rearing fish. Its members usually consists of larvae and juvenile stages of various shellfish. They are usually freshly hatched cladocerans, rotifers and copepods and brine shrimp naupliusy. Giving naupliusy oczlika caution should be exercised. During one feeding Tyl give them only if the young are able to eat at one time. Zooplankton are caught using a very fine mesh.

Protozoa small organisms
These are single-celled organisms included in the korzenionóżek, flagellates and ciliates. They are spread all over the world and represented by a very large number of species. They can cause blooming of water, through a very fast reproduction. A large part of them are predators that feed on bacteria. There are in all waters, usually from spring to fall. We can pick out using a grid built from a dense and delicate fabrics. Should not be given more of these organisms, which young fish are able to cope with.


This tiny planktonic crustaceans are found in waters. They come in many inland waters. Their nutritional value is quite different. Their body is surrounded by a bipartite transparent armor. Can not be a single infused in large quantities. It is better to be administered several times in small quantities because they die quickly taking a lot of oxygen from the water. It's very lightweight and safe food for fish. Daphnia play a very important role in the diet of fish, incredible influence on appetite, since the carapace of shellfish is a major challenge for the digestive system, causes the body to fish begins to secrete digestive juices intensive and hence greasy foods after such treatment no longer harm until to such an extent. They are eagerly eaten by the fish with the exception of a few larger species. They can be kept for a few days in large plastic trays.

Copepods - Diaptomus and Cyclops
They are represented by many species. The best known are the representatives of copepods belong to the genus Diaptomus and Cyclops. Their larvae hatching from the eggs are the perfect food for the breeding of fish. They are found in the same waters as cladoceras. In larger quantities mainly occur before all the autumn and spring. We hold it like cladocerans are more of them durable.

Cyclops are very small planktonic organisms that normally fished in the waters. Ones include them in crustaceans. Due to their small size, they are often used as food for fry. Note, however, that some species are prey cyclops and may pose a threat to the smallest fry. In addition, crustaceans may be carriers of certain diseases and parasites fish should not therefore be taken in their stocked containers. This last remark concerns, moreover, most living foods.

Artemia salina - Solowiec  
Jest to mały skorupiak od 0,3 - 11 mm. Jaja artemii wyglądać drobny proszek, a są sprzedawane w sklepach zoologicznych. Można również kupić w sklepach wyklute larwy żyją gotowy do karmienia, powinny być przechowywane w 5 - 15 ° C przez 7 dni. Znajdują się one w wodach o silnym zasoleniu. Przez bardzo długi czas pozostają one żywotne po wstawieniu do odpowiedniego rozwiązania szybko wyklucia się larw. Jest to cenny pokarm dla gatunków hodowlanych i małych ryb. Tak hodowane są czyste i wolne od pasożytów.

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