BEAUTIFUL FAMILY FISH of cichlids of Africa occurring in the Congo basin, NIGER, NIL.
Hemichromis Lifalili is a species of freshwater tropical fish Perciformes with widespread cichlid family. Lifalili jewel cichlid - beautiful African cichlid, one of the most ubarwionych red African cichlids.
Although highly aggressive and obnoxious behavior is grown fish in an aquarium by many aquarists all over the world. To be widespread from Niger to Congo and the Nile. The Congo basin is present, with the exception of Shaba and Kasaï regions. It does not occur in wetlands or in rushing streams.
Although highly aggressive and obnoxious behavior is grown fish in an aquarium by many aquarists all over the world. To be widespread from Niger to Congo and the Nile. The Congo basin is present, with the exception of Shaba and Kasaï regions. It does not occur in wetlands or in rushing streams.
This cichlid African reaches a length of 12 - 15 cm, but devoid of the natural living and plant food, water or wrong parameters has only about 8 cm - 10 cm. The back of the fish is light olive-brown to red and yellowish belly - olive to light red.
During spawning the male takes on an intense red color, and his whole body is dotted with small, yellow-green metallic sparkling points. The female is olive - red, with a slightly yellow front of the body and stomach. Coloration and intensity of such pielęgnicy depends to a great mood and age of the fish. The rear edge of the caudal fin is bright red marginata. On red background are spread light blue dots forming a loosely arranged lines along the sides of the body.
Properly cared for the fish in the aquarium have beautiful colors even during rest or outside spawning. Long keeping fish in unsuitable conditions, eg. Bad water quality, water temperature not suitable for small tank or too monotonous diet leads to loss of color. The fish then are poorly colored, have complex fins, little exercise in the tank. They are then so attractive. But when you give them the right conditions they can surprise their colors and temperament.
sexual dimorphism is very clear jwidoczny already at the size of 4-5 cm. In the male anal fin is sharpened, but without a clear extension. In addition, male fins are clearly broader than the female. The female has a rounded fins. It is slightly smaller and more stocky, rounded. During spawning has a clear round and swollen with roe belly.
It is a territorial fish and quite aggressive, especially during mating season. In this species the females show more aggression during mating season. These cichlids are not suitable for multi-species social aquarium. Single-species aquarium should reflect conditions in the rivers of Africa. The aquarium should be large minimum 100 liters, I have your fish bred in a tank of 150 liters. In the aquarium you need them to provide lots of space for swimming.
Aquarium fish need to prepare the ground żwirowatym, you must place a few flat stones that will be used to spawn, they can also settle on these algae, which are also eagerly plucking the fish.
You will also need roots and rock caves, some of which give shelter to fish. You should create numerous hiding places that allow fish to escape from the overly aggressive individuals. In some places in the tank can be planted strong and rigid, thick-leaved plants and protect them from pulling out. Aquarium plants can first be placed in plastic pots and then bury the gravel and larger rocks strengthen them. Weaker delicate and soft plants will be dug up and eaten or will be floated on the surface of the tank. It should fix it enough to digging in the ground fish do not wykopywały. All decorations should also be so secure that the fish have not been crushed under obsuniętymi stones or roots during digging.
The water in the aquarium with czerwieniakami should be periodically temperature of 20-27 ° C, although temporarily outside the spawning period tolerate temperature drops 18-20 degrees, of course, then there will be intense coloration, as the temperature drops colors become paler. The pH of the aquarium water at pH 6.5-7.5, water, soft to medium-hard between 14 - 20 ° ni need a good efficient mechanical and biological filter, and a very well-aerated water. These fish are fairly resistant to disease and physical and chemical changes of water, provided it does not take too long.
Fish live in pairs, freely choose themselves from the herd, you have to allow them to self-selection. Patients should not choose a male and a female, because mismatched couple will wage the fight together, instead of spawning take place, which could lead to a sharp poturbowania one of them and even death.
Spawning fish mating dance is preceded by a beautiful male who with tensioned fins circling around the female. Roe is made in the open ground. The female selects a suitable stone, checked it several times, touching the muzzle and belly rubs, and also checks the entire area thoroughly stone.
At exactly purified by a female stone, which performs this operation very carefully, taking sometimes head-down position. The stone cleans the only female, while the male digs a shallow hole near the stone, clearing it of unnecessary items. After all these activities a couple accede to spawn. In fish clearly already seen pokładełka, the male slightly longer and, in the female shorter and thicker. Female touching the stone spawns belly and sliding along it laid eggs in rows. Then he departs for a moment, and its location replaces the male which fertilized eggs.
After completion of spawning, the female fans the eggs flippers fins, and sometimes movements of the entire body, thus powering the fresh, well-oxygenated water. During this time, the male swims near guarding the sickbay.
Po około 48 do 72 godzinach od złożenia ikry wykluwają się larwy. Liczba larw wylęgających się z jednego złożenia wynosi około 100 - 300 sztuk. Larwy zostają przeniesione przeważnie do wykopanego wcześniej dołka. Czasem para przenosi je na pobliski korzeń, lub do wnętrza łupiny orzecha kokosowego, jeśli uzna że dołek jednak nie jest odpowiedni dla ich potomstwa. Samiec bardzo dobrze opiekuje się złożonymi jajami oraz młodymi larwami a później narybkiem. Ryby dbając o larwy przenoszą go w miejsca dobrze natlenione. Czerwieniaki to wspaniali rodzice, pilnują narybku, wypływają wspólnie z gniazda, oprowadzając stopniowo narybek po zbiorniku, coraz to dalej, by zaznajomić go z całym zbiornikiem. Rozmnażanie ryb i opieka nad narybkiem to wspaniały widok i doświadczenie dla akwarysty.
Fish do not make any trouble. Rather, they are omnivores. We are happy to eat all natural food and artificial nourishment both live, frozen and dry food. You can give them chopped earthworms, insect larvae. Varied food is eaten willingly, and even greedily. We feed 3-4 times a day in small portions so that the fish eaten whole and the food was not in default in the tank. In addition to willingly eat food meat plant food, such food partly provide them with the plants in the aquarium and the algae.
In addition, feeding them dry vegetable foods, it may be spirulina, scalded lettuce leaves, spinach., Dandelion. No plant food causes poor growth and poor coloration. Adults with a desire to swallow live fish are predators, so they hunt for smaller fish in the aquarium. It happens that after initial spawning in the tank when conditions do not allow for the development of the larvae, they eat all your eggs.
Small fish, we feed on plankton fine as dust, oczlikami, protozoa, cooked hard-boiled egg yolk and dried Mikrovit or dust roztartymi dried plants. Fry is the voracious and growing quite rapidly. There is cannibalism among the juveniles, larger fish often eaten by those that grow slower or weaker.
Feeding fish with hand
During spawning the male takes on an intense red color, and his whole body is dotted with small, yellow-green metallic sparkling points. The female is olive - red, with a slightly yellow front of the body and stomach. Coloration and intensity of such pielęgnicy depends to a great mood and age of the fish. The rear edge of the caudal fin is bright red marginata. On red background are spread light blue dots forming a loosely arranged lines along the sides of the body.
Properly cared for the fish in the aquarium have beautiful colors even during rest or outside spawning. Long keeping fish in unsuitable conditions, eg. Bad water quality, water temperature not suitable for small tank or too monotonous diet leads to loss of color. The fish then are poorly colored, have complex fins, little exercise in the tank. They are then so attractive. But when you give them the right conditions they can surprise their colors and temperament.
sexual dimorphism is very clear jwidoczny already at the size of 4-5 cm. In the male anal fin is sharpened, but without a clear extension. In addition, male fins are clearly broader than the female. The female has a rounded fins. It is slightly smaller and more stocky, rounded. During spawning has a clear round and swollen with roe belly.
Aquarium fish need to prepare the ground żwirowatym, you must place a few flat stones that will be used to spawn, they can also settle on these algae, which are also eagerly plucking the fish.
You will also need roots and rock caves, some of which give shelter to fish. You should create numerous hiding places that allow fish to escape from the overly aggressive individuals. In some places in the tank can be planted strong and rigid, thick-leaved plants and protect them from pulling out. Aquarium plants can first be placed in plastic pots and then bury the gravel and larger rocks strengthen them. Weaker delicate and soft plants will be dug up and eaten or will be floated on the surface of the tank. It should fix it enough to digging in the ground fish do not wykopywały. All decorations should also be so secure that the fish have not been crushed under obsuniętymi stones or roots during digging.
The water in the aquarium with czerwieniakami should be periodically temperature of 20-27 ° C, although temporarily outside the spawning period tolerate temperature drops 18-20 degrees, of course, then there will be intense coloration, as the temperature drops colors become paler. The pH of the aquarium water at pH 6.5-7.5, water, soft to medium-hard between 14 - 20 ° ni need a good efficient mechanical and biological filter, and a very well-aerated water. These fish are fairly resistant to disease and physical and chemical changes of water, provided it does not take too long.
Fish live in pairs, freely choose themselves from the herd, you have to allow them to self-selection. Patients should not choose a male and a female, because mismatched couple will wage the fight together, instead of spawning take place, which could lead to a sharp poturbowania one of them and even death.
At exactly purified by a female stone, which performs this operation very carefully, taking sometimes head-down position. The stone cleans the only female, while the male digs a shallow hole near the stone, clearing it of unnecessary items. After all these activities a couple accede to spawn. In fish clearly already seen pokładełka, the male slightly longer and, in the female shorter and thicker. Female touching the stone spawns belly and sliding along it laid eggs in rows. Then he departs for a moment, and its location replaces the male which fertilized eggs.
After completion of spawning, the female fans the eggs flippers fins, and sometimes movements of the entire body, thus powering the fresh, well-oxygenated water. During this time, the male swims near guarding the sickbay.
Po około 48 do 72 godzinach od złożenia ikry wykluwają się larwy. Liczba larw wylęgających się z jednego złożenia wynosi około 100 - 300 sztuk. Larwy zostają przeniesione przeważnie do wykopanego wcześniej dołka. Czasem para przenosi je na pobliski korzeń, lub do wnętrza łupiny orzecha kokosowego, jeśli uzna że dołek jednak nie jest odpowiedni dla ich potomstwa. Samiec bardzo dobrze opiekuje się złożonymi jajami oraz młodymi larwami a później narybkiem. Ryby dbając o larwy przenoszą go w miejsca dobrze natlenione. Czerwieniaki to wspaniali rodzice, pilnują narybku, wypływają wspólnie z gniazda, oprowadzając stopniowo narybek po zbiorniku, coraz to dalej, by zaznajomić go z całym zbiornikiem. Rozmnażanie ryb i opieka nad narybkiem to wspaniały widok i doświadczenie dla akwarysty.
Fish do not make any trouble. Rather, they are omnivores. We are happy to eat all natural food and artificial nourishment both live, frozen and dry food. You can give them chopped earthworms, insect larvae. Varied food is eaten willingly, and even greedily. We feed 3-4 times a day in small portions so that the fish eaten whole and the food was not in default in the tank. In addition to willingly eat food meat plant food, such food partly provide them with the plants in the aquarium and the algae.
In addition, feeding them dry vegetable foods, it may be spirulina, scalded lettuce leaves, spinach., Dandelion. No plant food causes poor growth and poor coloration. Adults with a desire to swallow live fish are predators, so they hunt for smaller fish in the aquarium. It happens that after initial spawning in the tank when conditions do not allow for the development of the larvae, they eat all your eggs.
Small fish, we feed on plankton fine as dust, oczlikami, protozoa, cooked hard-boiled egg yolk and dried Mikrovit or dust roztartymi dried plants. Fry is the voracious and growing quite rapidly. There is cannibalism among the juveniles, larger fish often eaten by those that grow slower or weaker.
Feeding fish with hand
These red cichlids despite his aggressive behavior, territorialism are great fish, when they are given the right conditions I described above it look beautiful, they are wonderful stained, have a lively temperament. They have a spectacular spawning, an additional advantage is their wonderful care of offspring. Therefore, I recommend czerwieniaki dwuplame already experienced aquarists to try breeding these wonderful and beautiful cichlids. They provide them with many not forgotten impressions and further experience aquariums.
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